Extramarital Affair Evidence & Divorce

24 June 2019
 Categories: Business, Blog


Computers are commonly used by people at home and in the workplace for carrying out various types of activities. However, when it comes to dating, sometimes people use computers for illegal actions such as having an affair. If you have the suspicion that your spouse has been having an affair and want to gather the evidence before ending the marriage, there are actions that can be taken to resolve the situation as smoothly as possible. Read through the information below to learn how to gather evidence and proceed with divorcing your spouse if he or he is having an affair.

Get Computer Forensics

If you believe that your spouse has been meeting men or women via online dating websites to carry out extramarital affairs, getting evidence from the computer is possible. Many people are unaware that almost all activity that is done on a computer can be tracked with the help of a computer forensics company. For instance, if your spouse has a habit of clearing the search history each time he or she has finished using the computer, a forensic professional can possibly retrieve all or most of the searches. Emails that were sent using the computer can also be retrieved, including any photographs and other content of concern that can assist you with confirming the affair. If you are able to temporarily leave the computer in the hands of forensic professionals, they can help you as soon as possible.

Speak to a Lawyer About Your Concerns

If you find any evidence after the computer forensics has been performed, speak to a lawyer about your concerns. A lawyer can actually assist with finding additional evidence as well as get the divorce process started. He or she can actually perform an investigation on your spouse before drafting up the divorce documents, or everything can be done at the same time. If you are unsure as to how to present the documents to your spouse in a cordial manner, they can be served to him or her at work or another location.

Determine What You Want in the Divorce

It is important to know in advance what you want out of the divorce, such as when it comes to marital assets, child custody, and anything else that concerns your spouse. It is important to be fair so hopefully, your spouse will agree with everything so the process will be smoother. You should also make sure that you even want to divorce your spouse, as sometimes going through marriage counseling can be helpful.